Friday, December 31, 2004


Holiday Reflections

Well, my Christmas in a nutshell blew. I mean, I did have bright spots, good things I'm happy and thankful for. But just to recap, a few updates on the things that sucked:
1. USAIR was the airline able to send me and Andy from State College to Nashville through Philidelphia on Christmas Day for $250. It was also the airline that still has not returned 10,000 bags to passengers after a weekend debacle in Philly. Read the link for more, bottom line Andy and I didn't get our bags until Sunday night.

2. Stomach issues as previously posted, I didn't feel entirely well until Monday and ate gingerly all week. I'm probably the only person I know who lost weight at Christmas (all water weight I'm sure).

3. The obvious. Christmas without Mom. It was weird, it was sad, and I didn't really get in the spirit.

4. Only getting to see Amanda for, like, a couple of hours! I miss seeing the Bradley's on a regular basis. Same goes for the Whites, although seeing them on Monday was a pleasant surprise I hadn't anticipated. Dottie was on the verge of the stomach bug too, and Chuck already had it and missed out on our dinner party.

5. Nana arrived a day late b/c of her stomach woes. What is it with the puking?! Everyone got sick this year!

6. Dad's making changes in life. He took us to see the property he bought at Center Hill Lake and is going to build a house on. I got a Christmas present from his girlfriend Nancy, which was weird. Apparently they're going to come up and visit me and Andy at some point soon. I know it's normal for him to move on, it's just not very comfortable for me and Tara right now.

7. Titans lost. surprise.

8. No snow.

9. Back to work on Tuesday night. The real world doesn't give 4 weeks off for the holidays.

Okay, complaining out of my system.

Now I am going to self-impose guilt for complaining. Last night one of my patients who returned from pacemaker surgery and had many new health issues to complain about made me stop and be thankful for what I have. All she could talk about was the horrific sight of tsunami destruction and how awesome God's power is. We were both sad for all the victims, especially the parentless, hungry children. We couldn't understand why something like this would happen, why God would allow it to happen. It's a question I ask myself a lot about why anything in the last five years has happened. All she could say was, "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. I can only pray and be thankful for what I have." I don't blog about God a lot. I don't talk with my patients about god a lot either, even though they do frequently (nursing is a lot of therapeutic listening). I think I'll go to church this weekend. Maybe it's time to figure out where my faith went.

Things I am thankful for: Andy. Getting to see my family and friends on Christmas. Everyone arriving safely in their travels. Having a warm apartment to sleep in, enough (too many) clothes on my back. A job that allows me to make a difference in people's lives at their most pivotal and vulnerable. The prayers of loved ones that I know they send up for myself, my Dad, and my sister. We need them.

Okay, that was deep for me. Next time I'll blog about football or something a little more jenni. :-)

Saturday, December 25, 2004


Merry Christmas!

How sad is it that I'm blogging on Christmas Day? Right now kids are tearing open their presents and Dads are making morning pancakes and coffee. I'm sitting in Andy's lab printing off my flight confirmation and making my presence known on the blog again. I've got a phone line at the house, so after winter break here at PSU we'll have internet at the house and I can once again blog from my abode.

Christmas has been less that pleasant so far. Not only was I scheduled to work 11p-7a the last four nights, thus the Christmas morn flight home, but I caught the Mt. Nittany Medical Center Stomach Virus that plagued most of the staff for the last few weeks. That's right, after the schedule nightmare, I ended up not working anyway b/c I was at home puking my brains out. Oh well. At least I feel good enough to fly home today and I had some mac and cheese last night. Woohoo! No eggnog though, still testing the waters slowly. Andy was with me though, we watched A Christmas Story and unwrapped presents from his parents.

Gotta go to the airport now! TN here I come, and Go Titans today :-)

God Bless

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


yummy things

today was a yummy day:

1. I saw a new Stetson tv commercial while watching Oprah in the gym (when I'm on the treadmill, somehow watching Oprah doesn't seem so housewife-ish) Anyway, said black and white commercial featured pastures of waving grasses, horses, a dark mysterious woman in a flowing sundress, and of course A STETSON MAN. This wasn't any old male model-slash-actor on the rise from Ford Agency. It was the always pretty-when-he's-scruffy Matthew McConnaughey. At first I didn't think so, but at the end in the arms of the mysterious woman he smiles. There's no mistaking those dimples. Yummy.

2. The wife of a patient that passed away on our unit a few weeks ago brought in oodles of gourmet chocolates for the nurses. OODLESOFCHOCOLATE. Hence, why I was in the gym watching Oprah. By the way, a line from ER for all to remember, "Feed the nurses, they'll make or break your day." BTW, they'll also save your life :-)

3. The perfect yummy study companion: Starbucks peppermint mocha. I grabbed one on campus on my way in to see Andy, who's working hard on his AGU research poster. I am studying for my critical care course final test which is next week, but the 5 inch notebook of notes and three 'supplement' books of material will take me that long to trudge through. Many more mochas for me.

4. Reality TV - I usually pick and choose my reality viewing. Here's where I stand:

Yes: Real World/Road Rules/Battle of the Sexes (RW was the original by many years), Bachelorette (many yummy guys), and now, the Amazing Race. I LOVE THAT SHOW. What a cool concept, how didn't I catch on to this one sooner? I was moved to tears last night when the grandparent couple made it on to the next leg. cool show.

NO: Anything else on MTV. Anything on FOX. Big Brother and Survivor. The Bachelor (too many catty girls and one guy that's usually not too great). Fear Factor. They all need to go belly up and be replaced by more meaningful television. Like throwback Real World where the people look like a true cross section of American youth.

Okay, enough yummy things. Time to study heart rhythms. AMANDA, I'M CALLING YOU AS SOON AS I GET HOME! I have free nights and weekends and I'm a bit close to my limit on minutes so I'm trying to stick to after 9pm.

love to all

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Been a long time, been long time...

been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time...

Just had that song in my head.

J! It took me so long to find you comment! It was way back on oct. 21st...this time click on the 'post a comment' at the bottom of this entry and I'll find it right away. And you're right, they don't say 'yinz' and they are Eagles fans. I think they like to identify with the Northeast for some reason, like it's better than the Midwest.

Of course, nothing is as good as being at home in the South :-) I'm flying into Nashville on Christmas Day, landing at 3pm ish. I get to work Christmas Eve night shift 11p-7a Christmas Day. As Andy said, I got hosed. I said some other four letter word, but I am refraining from most expletives on this site.

Bottom line, if you're going to be in Nashville 12/25-12/28 I'll be around. Give me a call. Also looking into getting over Detroit way after New Year's, like, 7-10th or something with Tara. Columbus, I'd love to get there, but I don't think it's going to happen. I'm off work this weekend but I'm still fighting this cold and I don't think I should drive all that way by myself. Andy's leaving for Cali Friday to see Shag and then next week hit San Fran for American Geophysical Union Conference. So maybe I'll just wander the Nittany Mall and buy all my Christmas gifts. I could change my mind by Friday though, that is a woman's perogative.

Things on my mind:

Somehow the Alamo Bowl doesn't quite induce a crazed fan frenzy like the National Championship Fiesta Bowl did...Oh well, watch the Buckeyes beat up on Oklahoma State Dec 28th at 8pm. I'll be sleeping, preparing for my night shift.

Barry Bonds: like we didn't know he was on steroids. By the way Barry, if you didn't know you were using an illegal steroid but were told months ago in testimony that your product was an illegal steroid, how is it that you have managed to keep your big muscular physique to this day? Doesn't it follow that you're still using now? Jason Giambi has lost weight, mainly because he quit using the illegal products. Barry hasn't. 2+2=fraud

I love watching my soaps on tv. I can't wait until I have a position where I only work 4 days a week so that I can watch more of them.

We got a new toilet. It sucks. No flush power, leaves floaters frequently.

I want to get a mini-tree, but I realized that I don't have any ornaments of my own. They're all in TN. Maybe I'll get a discount tree after Christmas and save it for next year when I'll have ornaments.

BTW, I never put up a good Thanksgiving post. Here's what I'm thankful for in a nutshell: FAMILY, Andy, My animals, graduation, new beginnings, memories of Mom, the gracious Marones who had us for dinner, Andy's family who checks up on us weekly, old friends that never fade away, and the ability to go to work and make a difference in peoples' lives no matter how small.

Love to all

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