Friday, April 15, 2005


The REAL Evil Empire

So, back before there was a Super Walmart on every corner, especially one within reasonable driving distance of Brentwood TN, there was the store all high school girls frequented for their discount shopping needs: Target. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Target, what's so special about Target?" Where else can you buy cd's, flip flops, candy necklaces, tank tops, candles, earrings, and spaghettio's? Okay, Walmart. But there was no Walmart in Brentwood. So we frequently spent Friday nights wandering about Target finding ways to spend our Daddy's money on these 17 year old essentials. As I grew and went to college, conveniently there was a Target right next to OSU's campus. No Walmart for miles. Just Target. Again, much of my hard earned minimum wage was spent in trips for simple things like hangers. No, a girl needs much more than hangers. She needs tee shirts, matching watermelon cups and bowls, bean bags, dry erase boards, chips and salsa, greeting cards, and flip flops. It's impossible to walk out of the place for less than $50! No matter what you're going for!

So yesterday Andy says, "Hey, while you're out doing errands, can you get me some jockey shorts?" After clarifying that he meant boxer briefs for sports purposes, I swung on over to Target here in State College. It's right down the road from Walmart, but that's neither here nor there. I don't like Walmart. I get lost. And I miss the pretty red decor. But I digress.

So I went in with the specific purpose to get the boxer briefs, and while I was at it a much needed tablecloth for my dining room table. Mistake #1: I slowed down at the entrance when I saw the dollar deal shelves. NEVER STOP AT THE DOLLAR DEAL SHELVES. Four bamboo placemats with matching coasters, one pair of green flip flops, three painted pail planters, and a packet of cat grass seed later I had finally walked more than ten feet from the door. And that was with extreme will power against buying the brightly colored chips and salsa bowls.

Then, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and walked directly past the women's clothing and lingerie section all the way to the back of the store. As I was turning the corner I saw the men's. Hoorah! Temptation averted. Found Andy's underwear, and went to make my way out of the store. That is when all hope was lost. I was immediately greeted by the shoes. Then the kitchen and bathroom decor, then cleaning supplies, then garden, then electronics, then pharmacy. AHHHHHH! Potting soil, two cd's, comet, clorox disinfecting wipes, chapstick, table cloth. Your total comes to $84.22.

Damn you evil Target! So what if I now have a stylish Asian inspired dining room and quaint little herbs growing in my window!? I still have not defeated the heroin that is Target!

So tonight Andy says, "These briefs don't fit, I need a different size." I made a list this time. We stuck to the list with the exception of matching napkins for my tablecloth, four more bamboo mats with coasters, and gum. Your total comes to $61.89. HOW DO THEY DO IT?!

I'm on a self-imposed Target ban for the next month. Please, if you suspect that I may have been to Target or am close to going, STOP ME!

Monday, April 11, 2005


Tech support this!

So, after three hours of installation wizards, restarts, a trip to Best Buy, and 1-800-canyouhold? I FINALLY have internet at the apartment! Yippee! So, my inaugural post from home is being carefully supervised by the cat, who was unaware that the big hunk of plastic on her desk was anything more than something to rub her nose on. She's currently on top of the monitor staring down at the screen and chasing the cursor as I type. Such amusement!

Andy and I were in Columbus last weekend, catching up with friends and my family. Coincidentally OSET hosted their regionals show yesterday, so I got to go out and see the girls ride, help hold horses, and change tack. It was just like the good old days and inspired me to really get to work on my own horse and riding. I just need to find the right barn. I miss Columbus so much, I really had a good set up there for work, riding, etc. Oh well, we'll just have to get hubbie-to-be to take a job there when he graduates :-)

Hehe, I have a hubbie-to-be...

So, now you can bet there will be more frequent postings on the blog with a variety of topics for commenting. After tax refund day I hope to also have a digital camera for pictures as well. Tonight, Andy got home late from working on campus and I am going to enjoy some PSU Creamery dessert with him before bed. Night all!

Monday, April 04, 2005


I must say, the weather's divine!

Wow! I thought the weather in PA last Wednesday was nice...I'm home in Nashvegas for the weekend and it's been sunny and 65-70. Spring has sprung and things are blooming. I can't wait for weather like this in PA. Andy tells me that over the weekend there it rained, snowed, and flooded. Wow. I can't wait to get back.

Amanda sang beautifully in Pirates of Penzance, the silly Gilbert and Sullivan classic. I just have to remind her next time before she runs onstage: No cheesy poofs!

I think I have a basketball curse. MSU lost in the men's tournament (whom I was rooting for even though I have North Carolina winning it all in my bracket) and then the TN women lost to MSU even though I was back home rooting for Pat Summit and the Lady Vols. Phooey, after tomorrow all the basketball will be over and then I can burn my bracket on the grill for baseball hotdogs.

Alrighty, time for some coffee and packing up to fly back to cold cloudy PA. I promise, pictures of the ring to come (it's getting back from the jeweler tomorrow or Wednesday...that's another story...)

love to all

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