Thursday, August 18, 2005


Woah moments

Alright, first apologies for infrequent blogging. Like most projects in my life, I let something go for too long and the task of just starting it again becomes so overwhelming I avoid it. Need to work on that. Like the boxes I still haven't unpacked in my house or the filing that is piled on my desk. It's not nearly as bad a project as I think it is, but I haven't started because I think it is going to take more energy and time than I have at the moment.

I digress.

Woah moment last Saturday. I bought my wedding dress. Trying on wedding dresses suddenly brought the wedding concept into full force view. I'M GETTING MARRIED! For real...I felt so grown up and beautiful and sad and happy and nervous all at the same time (nervous probably because I was standing in my underwear in a room full of brides-to-be and their family and friends and salespersons). It was a super happy day, nine dresses and the last one was it. We even came in at budget, including the veils. WOOOHOOO! Amanda, Tara, and my aunt Nancy were there. They cried when I put the first one on. Leah the saleswoman kept calling Nancy "Mom." Just a reminder that for the rest of my life special days will always be a little bittersweet.

Since we found the dress in record time, then came the hunt for the bridesmaids dresses. Wow, there is a global conspiracy to make them look ugly! I think 95% of the dresses are tacky. So, I put it to you, the bloggers to help me make my decision.

Dress #1 in brick or sage (click on the color box to change the picture's color)
Dress #2 in brick or cornflower
Or mix and match separates. The only stipulation being they all have to come in the same color and fabric and and skirt must be full length.

I am at a loss. HELP ME MAKE A DECISION!

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