Wednesday, March 30, 2005


thank goodness for spring!

What a gorgeous day! it's sunny and 65 here in Central Pa, so Heidi and I had a nice lunch downtown and then painted pottery while watching passers-by on the busy college avenues. I opened up all the windows in the apartment, and besides the increasing sniffles of allergy season, I can feel the fresh air is doing good things for my constitution. I got a sexy new haircut, I'm on my way to get sexy painted nails, and JR might even get a visit and playtime outside. Today is Andy's birthday so I'm taking him out tonight. Things are just great when the weather is nice. I'm going to have to live somewhere less cloudy and cold from now on, my mood is just better on days like this. I'm also far more productive. Yippeee for spring! Of course, the forecast for snow and rain with temps in the mid thirties this weekend portends a dip in my mood, but I'll be on a plane to Nashville for the weekend. The point is, spring has called, he's on his way over, and we better get ready.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Another one bites the dust...

We had to know this day would come....

Andy and I are engaged :-) !!!

Longer more detailed story to come, and pictures of the rock.

FYI- Nashvillians, I am making an appearance April 2nd-4th in town to see Amanda in Pirates of Penzance and to catch up with my Dad and sis. Give me a call on my cell or leave a comment, I'd love to 'hug your neck' as my Aunt Alberta would say.

love to all, save next July on your calendars.


Monday, March 14, 2005


It's March!

The greatest month of the year! Time to celebrate many important birthdays, i.e., Tara's, Mine, and Andy's. Also St. Patrick's Day, the only day acceptable to put food coloring in your beer. SPRING BREAK! Wait, I'm a grown-up now, I don't have spring break...oh well. And, oh yeah, MARCH MADNESS!

I took on the task of heading up the Bracket Manager for our unit at work. Mount Nittany Madness will commence this week, and I'm pulling for UNC to win it all in mine. (i'm feeling the wrath of amanda from a thousand miles away) Share your bracket stories! Make your ultimate pick. I will send a secret surprise to the person who picks correctly :-)

Andy's taking me out for my birthday tonight. We're going to try a historical hotel turned restaurant called the Eutaw (say utah) House that's rumored to have been a favorite of Edgar Allen Poe's. Some locals say he was inspired to write The Raven while staying there. Now they have fine dining. Hey, maybe I found some serious culture here in Central PA.

If you got my email and you're reading this-leave a comment! I don't blog often, but it's a great way to correspond with me, since I don't keep normal hours. I've bid on a job at work to work primarily nights (but I get to work 12 hour shifts, which is better than 5 eight hour days a week) so it looks like I'll be staying on this vampire rotation for a while. The pay is good. I am losing weight. I like it for now.

Love to all, gotta run!

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Quick blurb

So, Andy rented the classic Mr. Roberts for us to watch last night. Andy has this thing for old movies, every now and then he makes me watch one that I haven't seen and it turns out to be a fun night. Anyway, Mr. Roberts starred Jack Lemmon, Henry Fonda, James Cagney, and others on a cargo ship in WWII. It's funny, with a sad ending, and a great message. Jack Lemmon was so cute and funny back in the day! And Henry Fonda had some killer eyes.

I also made him take me to the Olive Garden for seafood pasta on this Lenten Friday night. I'm pretty proud of my fasting this year, I gave up fast food and I'm hanging in pretty well. Thursday night things at work were crazy so we ordered hot wings, but other than that I haven't touched any take out or fast food since Ash Wednesday.

I worked out this morning, and thus, weighed myself (I only use the scale in the gym at work for consistency's sake). This night shift thing is great! I have lost 8 lbs since the first of the year. I'm waiting for it all to catch up with me.

Other interesting tidbits....Co-workers are having a big party the day after my birthday to celebrate several occassions, so I plan on partaking in festivities. It'll be a good time outside the hospital to talk with these people I've come to know so well. At least I won't be Andy's girlfriend for once.

Alrighty, not much else to say, later peeps!

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