Monday, March 14, 2005


It's March!

The greatest month of the year! Time to celebrate many important birthdays, i.e., Tara's, Mine, and Andy's. Also St. Patrick's Day, the only day acceptable to put food coloring in your beer. SPRING BREAK! Wait, I'm a grown-up now, I don't have spring break...oh well. And, oh yeah, MARCH MADNESS!

I took on the task of heading up the Bracket Manager for our unit at work. Mount Nittany Madness will commence this week, and I'm pulling for UNC to win it all in mine. (i'm feeling the wrath of amanda from a thousand miles away) Share your bracket stories! Make your ultimate pick. I will send a secret surprise to the person who picks correctly :-)

Andy's taking me out for my birthday tonight. We're going to try a historical hotel turned restaurant called the Eutaw (say utah) House that's rumored to have been a favorite of Edgar Allen Poe's. Some locals say he was inspired to write The Raven while staying there. Now they have fine dining. Hey, maybe I found some serious culture here in Central PA.

If you got my email and you're reading this-leave a comment! I don't blog often, but it's a great way to correspond with me, since I don't keep normal hours. I've bid on a job at work to work primarily nights (but I get to work 12 hour shifts, which is better than 5 eight hour days a week) so it looks like I'll be staying on this vampire rotation for a while. The pay is good. I am losing weight. I like it for now.

Love to all, gotta run!
I've got the first comment! Yay! I've been trying hard not to complain, but winter is really starting to piss me off. It is March, but it is still freezing cold, with snow. What gives?

Anyway, I've not yet made out my brackets for March Madness, but I always do a "loyalty" bracket that has my beloved Florida Gators taking it all, then I do a more realistic bracket -- haven't figured out who will win this year.... will have to post that in a later comment.....

I actually learned CPR a few weeks ago, and learned how to use a portable AED. I can't imagine doing what Jenni does. I can barely deal with paper cuts.

Go UNC!!

Please, UNC is infinitely better than any other team, and the ACC is infinitely better than any other conference. I just spent the weekend stalking losing team fans outside the MCI Center here in DC trying to get tickets to the ACC Tournament for less than my life savings. I got an early round ticket and I got to watch UNC play Clemson. My seat was in the Wake Forest section, which also contained some Duke fans. I was wearing my most favorite shirt which says "Fuck Dook" and the Wake and Duke fans were throwing ice and nacho chips at me.
It was totally worth it though...

Hi sweetie, and belated "Happy Birthday!" I am in a rush as I am still moving. Frank and I got married January 28, and we took a trip to San Francisco. I loved California (all but the people! ha ha)and enjoyed all the good food and great wine!

I understand there is about to be a wedding in your family. Hope your dad recovers well from his surgery and that all will turn out well for him in every way.

So glad you sent this site so I can keep up with you and your Andy.

Love from my new home on the lake,

Amy (Lacke) Potts
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