Saturday, March 05, 2005


Quick blurb

So, Andy rented the classic Mr. Roberts for us to watch last night. Andy has this thing for old movies, every now and then he makes me watch one that I haven't seen and it turns out to be a fun night. Anyway, Mr. Roberts starred Jack Lemmon, Henry Fonda, James Cagney, and others on a cargo ship in WWII. It's funny, with a sad ending, and a great message. Jack Lemmon was so cute and funny back in the day! And Henry Fonda had some killer eyes.

I also made him take me to the Olive Garden for seafood pasta on this Lenten Friday night. I'm pretty proud of my fasting this year, I gave up fast food and I'm hanging in pretty well. Thursday night things at work were crazy so we ordered hot wings, but other than that I haven't touched any take out or fast food since Ash Wednesday.

I worked out this morning, and thus, weighed myself (I only use the scale in the gym at work for consistency's sake). This night shift thing is great! I have lost 8 lbs since the first of the year. I'm waiting for it all to catch up with me.

Other interesting tidbits....Co-workers are having a big party the day after my birthday to celebrate several occassions, so I plan on partaking in festivities. It'll be a good time outside the hospital to talk with these people I've come to know so well. At least I won't be Andy's girlfriend for once.

Alrighty, not much else to say, later peeps!
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