Monday, November 01, 2004


Bad Blogger

OK~I haven't done this in a while I know. sorry. I've been busy. Here's the skinny:

Started my critical care course at work, which means that two days a week I sit in class and take periodical exams to then take one big exam at the end of nine weeks. I have a five inch notebook of material to read through, and I fight off falling asleep all day in an uncomfortable chair in a lecture hall with powerpoint in front of me. I THOUGHT I DID THIS FOR FIVE YEARS ALREADY! DIDN'T I GRADUATE!?

Andy and I went back to Columbus this past weekend for the PSU/OSU football game. Go Bucks! OSU won, but it wasn't pretty. We have to beat either Purdue, Michigan State, or M!ch!g@n in order to be bowl eligible. That won't be easy. I'll have to appeal to a higher power on this one.

Saw bunches of friends and family in Columbus, but the weekend went by way too fast. I hate when I can't just spend quality time with people. I also had entirely too much fun on Saturday night and that hour of my life that I got back from Daylight Savings...I probably spent it detoxing. Oh well, work hard play hard.

The apartment is a mess, and I have a lot of work to do on my scrapbook. !!! Better get comfy on my nights off here this week.

Gotta go vote tomorrow...and so do you! If you weren't going to vote, or are undecided, vote Kerry for Lambert since he screwed up his absentee ballot. Yes, Matt, I'm going to keep giving you hell about it. How hard is it to register to vote!? You had four years to figure it out...

I'm still technically undecided. I will disclose tomorrow or the next day what my final decision is. I need to reflect.

Andy and I had a good time listening to the Grateful Dead Live Marathon on XM Deeptraks last night on the drive back to PA. Your homework for the next week is to listen to at least half an hour of Grateful Dead. Good for the soul.

Alright peeps...if anyone is actually reading this...later!

I always read your blog! I have been wondering what is up in the world of Pennsylvania, so good to know. Your Bucks are shaping up to be about as effective as the Titans are this year- what the heck??? Alright, it's election day, so here's your subliminal message for the day: voteforkerryvoteforkerryvoteforkerry
that is all.
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