Wednesday, November 03, 2004


At least the commercials will stop...

Well, how quickly (relatively) the election came and went. And then there was one. Incumbent George Bush. In the thick of it all, OH-IO.

I have to emphasize to all those who might be quick to thrust me into the mire of the swing state, I have not been a resident of Ohio since I was 5. When in college I voted as a resident of Tennessee. Now that I live in here in State College, I voted here in Pennsylvania, which was not as important a swing state as Ohio (further proving my theory that Ohio is a supremely cool state).

I digress. The point is that now I will disclose the vote that I had been agonizing over and holding secret for months:

I voted for John Kerry. It was a vote of conscience. It was a vote of character and faith, not economics or terrorism. It wasn't even a vote of party affiliation. I just plain felt I couldn't watch the U.S. repeal Roe vs. Wade or ban gay marriage on my vote. Nuff said.

On the other hand, I think that Bush will not send the economy into the toilet, nor will he turn Iraq into Vietnam part duex, nor will his tort reform plan fizzle and die. So now I encourage you all to keep participating in the process, make the newly elected congress and president stand up and listen. And for goodness sakes, don't be bitter. There will be another election in four years, and guess what, GW can't run.

BTW, I just want to say that I saw something that made me sad today. Someone had spray painted on their own vehicle: ASHAMED TO BE AN AMERICAN.

How can we be ashamed to be American when we just had the highest voter turnout since 1968? For the first time since 1988 the winning candidate won the popular and electoral votes. How can we be ashamed that the process founded, updated, revised, and upheld since 1776 worked yesterday exactly the way it was intended? And the losing candidate, a LAWYER, called off the threats of lawsuits and conceded with grace and dignity because of his faith in the country and the system. Today, though I voted for John Kerry who lost, I am still proud to be an American. This is a damn fine country. If you don't like it, keep trying to change it. If you can't handle loss every once in a while, move. Be sad, be disappointed, be deflated, be angry, be inspired, be determined, but don't be ashamed.

Okay, I got all political and fired up and now I'm va-klempt. Happy post-election!
Ms. Jenni,
You are posatively too much! I mean really how much do I love you; even though you voted for the wrong candidate. :-p
So, let's see the day after the election was my birthday, and I recieved the only gift I really wanted...4 more years! I was so happy, truly thrilled, but I AM a law student, and as a Republican law student you learn to keep your trap shut! I have friends at school "on the other side of the aisle," and we usually joke around (good naturedly) about our diverging political views. Well, NOT AFTER TUESDAY!
So, I, like you, am wondering where all this anger is coming from? Differing political views asside, John Kerry is just a big flippin' DORK! But were he to become president, well, I guess that would be the will of the people (however sad that may be). FURTHERMORE, does anyone get to be in the position to run to be The President of The United States of America without having some love for his country; without wanting America and all who love her to move forward and be prosperous? Shit, the office of the President doesn't pay well enough to endure all the BS that goes along with it.
In closing, rest assured there is at least one other out there Proud to be an American, Proud of our success (as a nation) on election day, and so Proud of Ms. Jenni for being a civically responsible young American! :-P

Wishing you the best,

K. Coulman
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