Sunday, October 03, 2004


Football blues

If you follow college football at all, you'll know why I'm depressed today. All I have to say about the ugly horror that was the Buckeye game last night is WE DON'T HAVE KRENZEL ANYMORE. We have a sophomore quarterback and a struggling o-line. And if we can't beat Northwestern, the next eight games are going to be ugly and heartbreaking.

So I guess that leaves me the Titans. Oh wait, they're sucking it up too. I guess I can root for Penn State. Wait, no. They're REALLY AWFUL. Well, maybe my old homestate favorite, UT. Hold on, they lost yesterday bigtime. With Gameday there. To Auburn. I remember when Auburn was a joke in the football world. I also remember when UT and OSU had National Championships.

I'm getting old and cranky.

The good news is that Amanda finally clued me in to how to put links up, so now I can post the links I said I did last time. Check out her Africa trip, it sounds like they're having an amazing experience so far. She got attacked by a babboon! It's because of that ugly hat, everyone knows pink is not Kentucky's color. I haven't put up OSU's page, they're in timeout this week.

After waffling for a week about the horse, I finally made the definitive decision to bring him out here for now. Now I have to get people to call me back. I gotta get JR out here, for my own well being! If I get a digital camera someday I'll put pictures of him up on here. Today there is an IHSA show at the Penn State barn I'm trying to board JR at, so I am off to check out the scene here in a minute. I didn't realize how much I missed riding until I almost sold the horse. I was at home bored b/c Andy went on that field trip and I realized that I need something of my own to do.

I got in touch with my old chem TA Jason from PA on Monday night. I finally decided to track him down through the small-town method: call his parents. I knew he was from Nicktown PA so I called information and gave them his last name and the hometown and I ended up talking to his dad. The thing about Central Pa is that everyone knows everyone and it's very small townish. So I don't think I seemed like a total weirdo, just a girl out looking for her friend. It was good to talk to him, he suggested some hiking spots in the area and promised to call if he ever came through State College to see his brother. He lives in Philly now, and if Lambert checks this, he says hi.

Thanks for the comment Lara! It took me a while to figure out who you were, but after a mental checklist of the B's and Z's in my family, I put it all together. Hope the kids are well, and Rich too. BTW, Andy's the one who plays poker, I just pretend. And that night we ended up playing euchre b/c the guy who was supposed to bring the poker chips thought that Andy had them (which he didn't) so we all ended up watching football and playing euchre instead. Now there's a game I can really play.

Work is good, getting paid is GREAT. Got paid on Friday, wrote a bunch of checks, paid some bills, now I'm near broke again. Two weeks til next paycheck. That's ok, I think Andy has plenty of money and we at least went grocery shopping :-) Getting out from under the move is gonna take til Christmas!

Alright, Andy is hungry so we're going to eat. Go Titans! (seriously, go. take my pride with you.)


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